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    Here you can keep up with who, when, where and what we are shooting. If you are interested in booking a session or have a question, please feel free to contact us. You can call 229-251-5601 or you can email andrea@ainmanphotography.com. Don't forget to visit the website...www.ainmanphotography.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Saturday, February 7, 2009


    I know I am late with this post, but here is my new niece Chloe. I am so excited to be an aunt and I will have to say that she loves me too :)!!! Here are a few images that I was able to get a couple of weeks ago. You can bet that I will be posting a lot of Chloe in the future.

    Here are a few of my favorites!!!

    Thank you Chloe for being such a good girl and letting me capture some images of you. I love you and I will see you soon. Don't let Mommy and Daddy get all of your sugar...save some for me :)!!!

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